Monday, June 14, 2010

Flag Day

Remember the Pledge of Allegiance to the “grand old Flag”
on Flag Day, June 14 and the next 364. Fly her proud as a symbol both to those who defended her and a reminder to those who would destroy her.
Never forget Life, Liberty, Freedom, Pursuit of Happiness and God.

The Flag at Ground Zero

Replicas of the Star Spangled Banner Flag (15 stars, 15 stripes) are flown at two sites in Baltimore, Maryland: Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine and Flag House Square.

Marine Corps War Memorial (Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima), Arlington, Virginia

Lexington, Massachusetts Town Green

The White House, Washington, D.C.

Fifty U.S. Flags are displayed continuously at the Washington Monument, Washington, D.C.

Iwo Jima Memorial, Arlington, Virginia

By Congressional decree, a Civil War era flag (for the year 1863) flies above Pennsylvania Hall (Old Dorm) at Gettysburg College[citation needed]. This building, occupied by both sides at various points of the Battle of Gettysburg, served as a lookout and battlefield hospital.

Grounds of the National Memorial Arch in Valley Forge NHP, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania .

At U.S. Customs and Border Protection Ports of Entry that are continuously open.

Washington Camp Ground, part of the former Middlebrook encampment,

Bridgewater, New Jersey, Thirteen Star Flag. (Act of Congress.[citation needed])
By custom, at the Maryland home, birthplace, and grave of Francis Scott Key;.

At the Worcester, Massachusetts, war memorial; at the plaza in Taos, New Mexico (since 1861); at the United States Capitol (since 1918); and at Mount Moriah Cemetery in Deadwood, South Dakota.

Slover Mountain (Colton Liberty Flag), in Colton, California. July 4, 1917 to circa. 1952 & 1997 to present.

At the ceremonial South Pole as one of the 12 flags representing the signatory countries of the original Antarctic Treaty.

The surface of the Moon, having been placed there by the astronauts of Apollo 11,
Apollo 12, Apollo 14, Apollo 15, Apollo 16 and Apollo 17.

Nashville National Cemetery, Nashville City Cemetery over the grave site of Sea Captain William Driver who in 1831 nicknamed the 24-star flag "Old Glory" and hid the famous flag from Rebels during the Civil War.

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