Monday, February 28, 2011

Soundtracks of your Mind

A sampling of some of the top 100 Rock-n-Roll songs of all times. Do you count these among the "soundtracks of your mind" to quote our OGR Disc Jockies?

Pink Floyd Its considered a hit if your record was on the chart for 15 weeks... Floyd's lasted 15 years!!

Life in the Fast Lane
Eagles brought fame to the Hard Rock Park, Myrtle Beach, SC in 2008 - this song had a roller coaster named after it.

Foreplay / Long Time Boston Who needs air guitar? Wanna turn your desk into an air Hammond Organ just turn up the speakers and GO!!!!

Brown Sugar
The Rolling Stones If your young grandchildren ask, tell 'em its a Martha Stewart song about baking sweet treats.

Down on the Corner
Creedence Clearwater Revival Everything there to put a smile on your face including a cow bell and catchy sing-along vocals.

Brown Eyed Girl
Van Morrison --- Van Morrison once told Time Magazine he's written 300 songs better than this one. I think NOT!!

Pinball Wizard
The Who A rock opera about a deaf, dumb and blind kid who can play pinball?

American Woman
Yep - believe it or not...The Guess Who really spend the first minute of the song spelling out the title.

Beast of Burden
The Rolling Stones Mick Jagger' self-imposed penance identifying himself as the ultimate jackass.

Nights in White Satin
The Moody Blues prove their diversity with rock and roll. It's a haunting classic.

Sunshine of Your Love
Cream Reportedly one of Jimi Hendrix's favorite records, as he frequently included this song at his own concerts

Smoke on the Water
Deep Purple Perhaps one of the easiest guitar tunes to learn - sometimes "KISS" ("keep it simple stupid") is the best.

Don't Stop Believin'
Journey Another great example of a rock song making a big impact on a classic series, this case, the Sopranos' finale.

More Than a Feeling
Boston Toll booths across the country should blast this 24/7.

House of the Rising Sun
The Animals The earliest recording of this folk song is from 1933, but historians think it might date back to the 1600s.

Another One Bites the Dust
Queen Queen bassist John Deacon proves he can easily transition to the '70's Disco sound.

Led Zeppelin Repeatedly in interviews, Robert Plant saidthis is one of his favorite Zeppelin songs. No one can argue that!!

Free Bird
Lynyrd Skynyrd Five song jukebox domination plan: 'Free Bird,' 'Life's Been Good,' 'Kashmir,' 'Stairway,' and 'Stranglehold.'

Ciao for now!! Winnie

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