Monday, August 24, 2009

Winnie's Top 11 Reasons Why.....

It's Fun to be Female

1. We won't ever have to worry about male-pattern baldness or a toupee.

2. We can manipulate our height with a killer pair of hi-heels.

3. We can banish wrinkles with a handy-dandy concealer.

4. We automatically get 3/4 of the shared closet _NO QUESTIONS ASKED!!

5. No one would ever expect us to mow the lawn in the blazing hot sun or any other time!!!

6. We can remember important dates like birthdays or anniversaries without writing them down.

7. We leave the bug killing to someone else.

8. We can cry our way out of a speeding ticket.

9. We never walk out of the house with tiny pieces of tissue stuck to our face.

10. We are abnormal if we don't own at least 100 pairs of shoes.

11. We get to live with those adorable, balding,


lawn mowing males

with notes on their hands
little pieces of tissue stuck to their faces.

This list can go on to infinity. So go ahead, add to it while sipping that cold ice tea or lemonade and enjoying these last days of Summer. Don't forget the SPF 25.

See you on the radio that's OGR!!!!
Ciao for now!!

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