Superman, Editor Perry White and Reporter Jimmy Olsen sitting around Perry's office scarfing up Kellogg's Sugar Smacks. Between munches, Superman says,''Puffs of wheat, sugar-toasted and candy-sweet.''
Cartoon characters in '50s commercials were popular. In '55, Snap, Crackle, and Pop leaped around and sang about the joys of eating Rice Krispies.
“K E double L, O, double good, Kellogg’s best to you”
The little cartoon boy who comes to breakfast wearing his cowboy hat! "I want my Maypo!"
“They’re G- R- E- A- T “- Tony the Tiger for Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes.
Speedy, the Alka Seltzer cartoon boy… "Relief is just... a swallow away."
TheDoublemint Twins." Double your pleasure, double your fun with Doublemint Doublemint gum.”
“Who likes Beechnut Spearmint gum, we like Beechnut Spearmint Gum, its flavorific”
The square candy called Chunky "What a Chunk of Chocolate, Only Five-Cents."
“N- E- S- T- L- E- S - Nestles makes the very best, C H O C O L A T E.”
“Bryl-creem, a little dab'll do ya. Use more, only if you dare. But watch out, the gals will all pursue ya, they’ll love to run their fingers thru your hair.“
“See the USA in your Chevrolet” and followed with a big smoochy kiss from Dinah Shore.
"Oh, we are the men of Texaco. We work from Maine to Mexico.” Texaco Star Theater highest rated television show of ’50-’51.
And to many cigarette commercials - Lucky Strike, TV Guide voted Lucky Strike's "Be Happy, Go Lucky" the ad commercial of the year in 1950.
Old Gold dancing cigarettes or the bellboy, “Call for Phillip Morris”
Carnation Milk, “the milk from contented cows”, sponsored the '50's George Burns & Gracie Allen TV show. Instead of cutting to filmed commercials, Burns, Allen and guests broke the "fourth wall" a "live commercial" to describe or begin recipes that used Carnation products during the show.
Wonder Bread sponsored Howdy Doody and host Buffalo Bob Smith told the audience, "Wonder Bread builds strong bodies 8 ways. Look for the red, yellow and blue balloons printed on the wrapper."
“Takes a lickin and keeps on tickin“- the Timex Watch torture tests.
Ivory Soap - “99and 44/100 per-cent Pure, it floats”
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